Animals with new diagnoses, horses arriving at the ranch from an unhealthy situation, dogs with various issues, and HTA Practitioners using their newly acquired skills to help. That is what we experienced last month across our Level 1 class in California, Level 3 class in Denver, and Level 3 class in Switzerland.

The students were outstanding in their desire to learn how to support our animal friends through energy therapy. Our students continue to bring their big hearts to class and carry with them a wonderful ability to connect with the animals so they can receive the balance and clearing needed to make changes in their health and well-being.

I love seeing the “lightbulb” moments that the caregivers at our class facilities so often experience when they see the impact of using energetic language as we offer support to the animals. We use this energetic vocabulary to describe what we’re experiencing during the teaching and facilitation of HTA techniques — and the horse’s energetic reactions speak for themselves.

This is what happens with our heart-centered work. We show up, and the animals receive the work to support their energy balance. Each of these classes were a win-win! Thank you for extending your HTA hands.


handwritten signature of Carol Komitor

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