by Debra Saxton (reprinted from Healing Touch California enewsletter)
Much of our enewsletter focus in on our human community, but there is another group that also has a vested interest in Healing Touch: our friends in the animal kingdom. I’ve heard various stories from HT practitioners that indicate how much animals love HT sessions. One practitioner shared a story about giving a session to a friend’s ailing pet. By the end of the session, she looked up and saw that all the other animals in the home were lined up, each hoping for a treatment as well. They all got their treatments.
Wanting to support animals and pets is our natural inclination. Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) founder, Carol Komitor has taken that one step further, and raised an organization dedicated to providing HT for animals. Recently, Madeleine Ferbal, aka Maddie, talked with us about HTA and its commitment to animals. Maddie is our board member who represents HTA, which is one of the HT organizations that we support. What she shared about animals and their human counterparts will give us a better understanding of how best to support our pets, and may open our eyes to ways they support us that we might not have known.
Maddie first talked about the difference between the animal biofield and that of humans. According to her, animals have a field that is much more expanded than their human counterparts. “It could be as much as 10 times larger than the animal,” she explained, adding that the expansion is largely due to their predator or prey position in the world, their instinctual nature. It can retract somewhat when animals are feeling safe, just like in humans. The expanded field also means that we, as humans, are always sitting in the animal’s energy field. “When you are working on an animal, you are inadvertently affecting the human, because that human is always going to be in the animal’s field,” she shared.
Another difference Maddie mentioned is that animal fields are integrated, not layered as they are in humans. She compared animal fields to the pixelated images that came from the first digital cameras. “It is one big pixelated or integrated energy field,” she described. The integration makes it much easier for animals to release energetic congestion when clearing their fields, whereas in humans, energetic baggage can get stuck between the layers of the human field. She further explains that the animal fields are like having radar receptors along the edge. These receptors tell them when there is danger or safety around them.
Animals are prone to diseases similar to those experienced by humans: cancer, tumors, diabetes, allergies and more. Recognizing that human ailments come from stress, environmental toxins, emotions and trauma it made us wonder about the causes of such ailments in animals, and if they are similar. “It could be the same things,” explained Maddie. “Since we are so connected with them, they could be taking on their owner’s stuff.” When assessing an animal’s fields, depending on her clients, she may also assess the animal’s human, to see if there is an energetic correlation between the chakras of the two. “It’s really cool to see that energetically the animals can be very similar to what’s going on for the humans,” she stated. The question is, she mentioned: Are the animals taking on the human stuff, or is the human taking on the animals stuff? Maddie, who has
a blended practice – providing sessions for both humans and animals – encourages taking at least a Level 1 HTA course to learn how to properly assess an animal, learn their energy system and appropriate techniques that will support their overall wellness.
Though practitioners act as conduits for universal energy in both animals and human, there are some experiential differences when working with animals, Maddie explained. “As a practitioner, if you want to raise your vibration quicker, work with animals,” she said. The expanded energy fields in animals allows providers to raise their vibration much faster. Maddie also reports that working with animals you learn to communicate in a different way. “We learn to listen from a different level and to see how they respond to the energy and how they respond to us as practitioners,” she added.
Like other HT programs, Healing Touch for Animals® offers leveled courses that include
advanced proficiency and certification. All the techniques taught in the program are unique to HTA and most were developed by Carol Komitor, who was guided to create them. She borrowed Magnetic Clearing from Janet Mentgen – with Janet’s blessing. It is, however, done differently. “It is done much quicker than the way we do it on humans,” indicated Maddie. She also mentioned that, the human program techniques are not appropriate for animals because of the differing fields. The HTA techniques were channeled through and created by Carol, who also has a blended practice, said Maddie. Carol found that the HTA techniques work very well on humans.
Besides the animal specific techniques, Carol incorporated vibrational and sound therapy into her program, as well as aromatherapy. Because of animals heightened sense of smell and heightened hearing they are very receptive to all three tools. “We teach in Level 2 how to clear an energy field with the Pair 5 tuners.” said Maddie. “They are also great for humans to do self-balancing techniques,” she mentioned. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are “offered” to the animals. “We stand back from them. We don’t shove it in their faces,” she explained. “They come up to it,take a deep big breath, and just melt into it.” The aromatherapy is taught in Levels 3 and 4.
Maddie encourages anyone who really wants to support their animals to take at least the Level 1 HTA course, and there are some things we humans can do even if we don’t take an HTA class. Being a good parent is first and foremost. That means paying attention to our pet’s behaviors: Are they upset when we are upset? Is there anger, or screaming and yelling in the house that is affecting them? Is their environment free of toxins? Are they grieving? Are they taking on our stuff? “We need to be very mindful of the environment that we create in our lives, because animals do take on our stuff,” she noted. Maddie encourages humans to tell their pets: “Do not take on my stuff. This is not your stuff. That is not your responsibility. Your job is to be my loving companion.” Those that do take the HTA classes can support their animals in a way they never knew before, she added. “It will completely take their human/animal bond to a different level than they previously had,” she stated.
Wanting to better support her own pets is what led Maddie, who is also an HTA instructor, to become part of the HTA organization.
“HTA is amazing,” said Maddie. “It is a community of practitioners that want to make a
difference in the lives of animals. In doing that – whether they know it or not – they are making a difference with humans as well. So, in helping our animals, we are actually helping their people, and therefore making a really big difference on this planet,” she said.
HTA courses in California are offered in the San Diego and now San Francisco areas. Please see for a listing of 2017 courses.