I got the best update tonight on a lost rescue dog I worked on (distance) HTA for a month. He was running around Fort Collins for 43 days in October and November before coming to safety. I ended up doing 22 sessions on the dog named GABE. He was totally feral and had lived outside in Texas with over 50 other dogs in a hoarding situation and he is 2 years old and not neutered. He had come to a rescue in Northern Colorado and had been there a month before he ran away. He had never been touched by anyone since coming to the rescue. He had no trust for humans. A door was left open by accident and he got out. I do most of my HTA work on lost dogs at night, since they travel during the day. This dog had feeding stations and cameras setup the whole time I worked on him. It was so cool to file my reports with the search coordinator and have her confirm he would lay down while I did the HTA work on him. Because he was feral, I had trouble keeping his root chakra open on a daily basis. I have learned if I can keep all the chakra’s open, they will come to safety. I used Bridging with Behavior to keep him from a specific yard (who threatened to shoot him with a gun). I also used Bridging with Behavior, to tell him he must go to safety and that the ladies that were feeding him daily, were safe to go to. I used energy field clearing with each session. On a Saturday afternoon, I got an emergency message GABE was in a confined safe yard and they were afraid he would jump the fence before help could get there. Five minutes later I started working on him. I did a Bridging with Behavior and told him “This was his time to be brave and trust the universe. People were coming to help him and he would never go back to the rescue. I would stay by him.” I then closed my eyes and did an etheric heartbeat on Gabe. Fifteen minutes later I got a text they had a slip lead on him and he was safe. Later that night the search coordinator texted me. “He was pacing the yard and then sat down and closed his eyes. They got a slip lead on him.” Gabe is rocking his foster home and I have had the pleasure to work on him since he got there. Healing Touch for Animals saves another dog. The first picture was taken October 3 while he was on the run. The second picture was taken December 11 after being in his foster home for a month.
Photo and story shared by Kathy B.