We love hearing from our HTA Practitioners! This month we talked with Ria Roosendall. Ria is an HTA Instructor in the Netherlands. She also teaches classes in Switzerland.

Q: How did you get involved with Healing Touch for Animals®?

A: In 2004, I experienced a Healing Touch class. The HT instructor knew Carol Komitor and asked Carol to come over to the Netherlands and teach a Level 1 course. Because I spent all my life around horses, cats, and other animals, I was thrilled to learn the HTA techniques for animals.

In 2005, I attended the first Healing Touch for Animals® course with Carol held in the Netherlands. After the second day of the course I wrote in my journal that HTA would not only change my life but that of many animals too — and it did! I traveled to the United States several times to attend upper-level HTA courses and expand my knowledge, and I have been an HTA Certified Practitioner since 2010.

Q: How are you using HTA in your personal or professional life?

A: Every day I am at the barn taking care of our Quarter horses and the four cats that live there. I regularly use the Vibrational Grooming™ techique to clean them or support them with a session when needed. Also, the use of essential oils is part of my daily routine. The Pair 5 or OM Tuners and essential oils are my favorite tools to start my day.

Q: What is your favorite HTA technique?

A: It is hard to choose one technique, but the God’s Eye™ from AP2 is one of my favorites. Magnetic Clearing™ from Level 1 is a technique that I use a lot too!

Q: What has been the most rewarding part of HTA for you?

A: HTA has allowed me to help animals in many ways. HTA provides an opportunity to develop a deeper connection between people and all animals. That is one of the reasons why my private practice is named “Pets And People.”

I feel there are endless possibilities for HTA to change the lives of animals and their owners. As an instructor of Levels 1-4, my goal is to give students the awareness and confidence to develop their own HTA skills to help our animals. It is very rewarding when participants experience the heart-to-heart connection that occurs when working with HTA techniques.

Are you an active HTA Practitioner with a story to tell? We’d love to feature you in an upcoming HTA Spotlight! Send us an email at promotions@healingtouchforanimals.com.

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