Tammy is a Level 4 Healing Touch for Animals® Practitioner and HTA’s Boston Coordinator. Click on the image to meet Tammy and hear about her HTA experience in her own words.

Q: How did you get involved with Healing Touch for Animals®? Image of HTA's Boston Coordinator Tammy Skwierczynski.

A: During my beloved dog Riley’s last 18 months of life, I explored various holistic treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic, and cranial sacral therapy to improve her quality of life. Despite my efforts, I felt there was more I could do to help her arthritic hips and shoulders and her mobility.

I received an email about an online Holistic Conference for Pet Owners where Susan Wagner, DVM, was speaking. Her presentation prompted me to visit the HTA website and I took my first class in June 2023. By the end of that weekend, it became clear that HTA was the missing piece to help Riley. While I couldn’t change her outcome, I find solace in enhancing the lives of other animals, helping them to potentially live longer and happier lives. This journey has been incredibly fulfilling. I completed my level 4 class in April and am working on my certification, further solidifying my commitment to HTA and animal well-being.

Q: How are you using HTA in your personal or professional life?

A: I incorporate HTA into my personal routines and professional volunteer work. Every morning, I begin with a Self-Energy Field Clearing using Pair 5 Tuners, which helps clear any congestion I may be experiencing. Additionally, I use OM tuners on myself and one of my cats who suffers from a head tilt due to a past middle ear infection. I also perform HTA techniques on both of my cats several times a week.

Professionally, I volunteer at a therapeutic riding center and I also do HTA on the horses. Between volunteer activities or while waiting for the mounted portion of the session to begin, I conduct Bridging™ sessions. The horses become noticeably relaxed, which enhances their readiness for the lesson. When I project energy to one horse, all of them benefit, showcasing the profound impact of energy work in this setting. I recently spent an afternoon doing Magnetic Clearing™ and Etheric Heartbeat™ techniques on all of the horses after they had their teeth cleaned. I believe it helped them come out of the anesthesia much quicker.

Q: What is your favorite HTA technique?

A: I love using Bridging™. It might seem simple, but it makes a big difference for animals. Bridging can be a quick way to connect with them and prepare them for other techniques, and it’s also effective on its own. I also enjoy using the OM tuner and essential oils alongside HTA hands-on techniques, enhancing the overall effectiveness.

Q: What have you done to grow your HTA practice?

A: I’ve used social media platforms like Facebook and Nextdoor to share information but I’ve found that word of mouth is the most effective. It’s crucial to discuss my work and its benefits with everyone I know. Even if someone doesn’t have a pet themselves, they likely know someone who does. I make a point to talk about what I do and why I’m passionate about it with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Communication is key to spreading the word about HTA — so I talk about it every chance I get!

Q: How do you stay engaged with your HTA practice and what tips would you give others to stay engaged?

A: A simple way to stay connected is through active participation in HTA’s Facebook page and HTA Student Group. These platforms offer valuable discussions and updates. HTA’s Monthly Mentorship meetings on Zoom are also excellent opportunities to expand knowledge by learning from others’ questions and experiences.

For those interested in a more involved role, coordinating HTA classes can be enriching. Serving as a coordinator allows for a refresher through class attendance and often leads to new insights with each session. It’s important to note that involvement in HTA doesn’t necessarily mean starting a business — there are many fulfilling ways to contribute, such as practicing on pets, volunteering at rescues, or supporting animal organizations. Any time spent with animals is rewarding and contributes to the community!

Are you an active HTA Practitioner with a story to tell? We’d love to feature you in an upcoming HTA Spotlight! Send us an email at promotions@healingtouchforanimals.com.

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