The power of intention is remarkable in all things. When we work with healing, the phrase, “This is going to take a while to repair,” often holds us back from the miracles that can transpire. When we remove our “time frame” from our mindset and allow the clear intent to override the goals for the session, the energy will do the work and provide the desired changes.

Recently, I heard, “This is going to take a while to heal.” This comment was regarding a stray dog who had been rescued from the city streets. The dog was shy, full of fear, and in a problematic situation. Our logical minds, of course, tell us that this dog will have difficulty making changes.

The pet parents and the HTA practitioner intended for her to be safe and find a secure place in her new home; however, the time for repair and stability was perhaps extended due to the mindset that the animal would require long-term energy facilitation.

When we set intent, we must maintain a neutral state. Letting go of all outcomes and trusting our intention for the highest good will often bring us to a “one and done” perspective, offering miraculous possibilities.

Blessings and gratitude,

handwritten signature of Healing Touch for Animals® Founder Carol Komitor

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