Facebook is a great avenue to communicate with the Healing Touch for Animals® student community! Practitioners share questions, tips, and support. A Facebook post on Healing Touch for Animals® Student Page from April 20, 2022 shared a question on an unusual animal who could benefit from energy healing.

Melinda Lee: Hi y’all! I need the hive mind. I will be working with a tarantula in a few weeks. I have not been able to find information about their chakras. Does anyone have a resource? Thanks!

Carol Komitor: I looked up tarantula anatomy—this is really good! https://www.thoughtco.com/tarantula-anatomy-diagram-1968567

Not sure they have chakras like other animals. What I have observed is that there are two separate energies through the two sections of the body. The energy feels like two subtle energies that join and harmonize, yet feel different. The joints of their legs seem more like what we are used to working with on extremities of other animals only minimal in energy presence. The best that I can describe is the two sections of their body each have an energy about them that holds their life force. It “feels” like (when balanced) two separate energies that are working together. The joints of the legs have an energy about them. None of the energy feels like a 2 or 4-legged. It’s more subtle, yet very vibrant. Here is what I have done: I have placed one hand under the body and one hand over (or project your healing energy, if Mr. T isn’t friendly) and allowed energy coming from my hands to do the work. It doesn’t take long and it’s dramatic how positively they respond. 

What I will say is, they create a curiosity and a challenge to “follow “ the energy flow through the whole body! And then your intent might just wander to the part of the body that makes all the silky threads for their webs…curious—right!!! 

Soooo much FUN!

Melinda Lee: Update about my tarantula session! Thank you to all who helped and commented!

The spider energy was incredible! They both moved and shifted their legs to accommodate and help facilitate the energy. Their mom said she has never seen them act so calm when she pet them afterward.

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