One of the things we hear over and over from participants in our classes is the overwhelming emotions they feel during class. Etheric Heartbeat™, in particular, tends to bring out strong feelings when participants experience it–especially for the first time.

Etheric Heartbeat™ is a technique that surrounds the entire body with heat chakra energy, increasing balance and improving whole-body wellness. It is one of the most successful and soothing techniques presented through the Healing Touch for Animals® program.

Lisa Osthelder, BA, HTAP, of Phoenix, talks about her experience with “unconditional love” in the following paragraphs:

During the last day of the Level 1 Healing Touch for Animals® course we were able to work with horses. The last thing we practiced during class was a technique called “Etheric Heartbeat.” It was during this time, standing in the midst of the unconditional love of my horse Reno, I had a profound emotional and spiritual experience. I was overwhelmed with unconditional love beyond anything I have ever felt. I was standing next to this horse and immersed in absolute love. To be able to give back to these amazing creatures, which serve people in many different ways, is deeply rewarding.

This was the pivotal moment when I decided I had to specialize in working with animals. Animals are our teachers, our companions, our livelihood, our best friends, our babies, our kids, our healers, and our therapists all wrapped in one. I ultimately quit my corporate career in May 2013 and have dedicated my career to healing animals ever since then. For once in my life, I can say I love what I do each and every day. I have truly found my passion healing our beloved animals of this world.

 If you have a story to share—or questions to ask—please contact us! We would love to hear about it.

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