20th Logo
Rose Kennedy once said, ā€œLife isnā€™t a matter of milestones, but of moments.ā€

Itā€™s true, and this spring Healing Touch for AnimalsĀ® (HTA) is celebrating 20 years of those life-changing moments.

Each moment is itself a milestone ā€“ a milestone for people like shelter volunteer Pat Barton of Raleigh, North Carolina, who brought Darkness, a big, black, 2-year-old lab mix riddled with anxiety, out of the back of his cage through the use of energy medicine therapy and into a new forever home ā€“ and in the process convinced skeptics of the power of energy medicine.

A milestone for Denver resident Susan Williamson, whose experience with HTA helped her horse, Charlie, heal when traditional veterinary medicine alone could not.

A milestone for Lisa Osthelder of Phoenix whose profound experience with unconditional love during an HTA class changed the course of her career. She left the corporate world to become an HTA practitioner and has dedicated her life to promoting healing animals through energy therapy.

In the past two decades, Healing Touch for AnimalsĀ® Founder Carol Komitor has helped almost 6,000 people around the globe be proactive in promoting the healing of their animals naturally.

Based on years of experience working with world class trainers, veterinarians, animal shelters, private clients and through extensive studies, Carol formulated the curriculum for the multilevel energy medicine program known as Healing Touch for AnimalsĀ®. HTA techniques were created and cultivated by Carol through study, practice and experiential knowledge. ā€œIā€™ve seen animals with severe diagnosis that have thrived after treatment. I have seen animals shift from being disconnected to embracing the other animals and their people. This work is truly life changing,ā€ said Founder Carol Komitor.

Sheā€™s seen many moments, many milestones.

Through this program, animal lovers ā€“ pet owners, veterinarians, groomers and others ā€“ have learned how to help their animalā€™s energy system become stronger, balanced and clear. Carol and other HTA Practitioners have helped people use energy therapy on animals who are suffering from injury, illness or prior abuse and trauma to promote stronger bonds and natural healing.

HTA is much more than working with an animal who is ill. This therapy assists animals with their emotional and behavioral health, helps with focus during competitions/shows and activates a sense of well-being while creating a deeper animal-human bond.

From the first class that was offered in the Hill Country of Texas 20 years ago, HTA has grown into a comprehensive curriculum that includes five levels ā€“ Level 1 through Advanced Proficiency. Courses are taught all over the United States, Canada and Europe, and are open to all people who want to improve the lives of their animals, and in turn their own.

So, as we look back at the lives that have been healed and changed through energy medicine therapy, we are also looking forward to the many more lives who will be healed through our work.

We invite you to read about more life-changing moments and milestones throughout this blog, and learn more about the HTA curriculum here.

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