submitted by Diana Tilton, Dallas HTA Coordinator

Legacy Boxer Rescue Alum Kruiser is my soul dog. I sensed his attempts to communicate Boxer Kruiser 2with me but had no clue how to understand him,  “speak back” or help him.  We foster failed with him after being told he only had about 2 months to live due to cancer in his leg. His bucket list had “parents of my own” on it so we adopted him.  He subsequently survived his first bout with cancer by amputation of a back leg. That was over 2 years ago. Now he was battling another form of aggressive cancer on his side. Kruiser ultimately led me to Healing Touch For Animals®.

When I walked into the Friday night Intro To Healing Touch class I had no idea what to expect. I was a 32 year veteran police officer. As a detective, physical evidence is important. All of a sudden I am hearing about things I could not see and had never heard of. All the other students seemed to be getting it. I was growing more and more frustrated. I did not “feel” “effervescent bubbles in my palms” or “see the color green”. (comments from other students that did)  Had I made a mistake?

The next day at the Small Animal Class I had Kruiser with me. HTA Founder Carol Komitor was our instructor. She worked on Kruiser during the class and I was grateful and Boxer Kruiser at classwondered if I would ever be able to do what she could do. She told me Kruiser was a healer dog, and held everyone in the room in his energy.  So THAT is why I always felt differently around him. My friends often had positive reactions to being around Kruiser. That part was starting to make sense. But I still felt like I was behind everyone else. No animal spirit guides visited me during meditation. Carol gave me some advice. Relax and have faith in the process, do the steps and know that it would work. Be patient, slow down and quit over thinking everything. That’s hard sometimes for a type A personality control freak to do, but I did as she asked.

During the Large Animal Class everything began to fall in place. The energy of the horses was powerful. That day I could feel energy coursing through me and the horses. I felt it Diana horse dayfrom other students.  It was quite simply, amazing. Carol guided us in an animal spirit guide meditation that basically blew my mind. I had a visitor with a message. I cried and could not articulate what I was feeling. It was a profound experience. I knew then my life would never be the same.

I came home and worked on my Boxers, including Legacy Boxer Rescue Long Term Foster Miss Demeanor. She always worries and frets about life. It is evident in her facial expression.  But after several HTA sessions and the use of Young Living Essential Oils, she is like a different dog. (Before and After photo below)
Boxer Miss Demeanor Before The worry lines disappeared. She looked relaxed and happy. She plays again and runs around like a pup. For a senior Boxer with cardiomyopathy, severe spondylosis and the beginning stages of degenerative myelopathy that is amazing to see.
Boxers Tooter and Stevie
Legacy Boxer Rescue Alums Tooter  (L)  and my sweet little girl Stevie (R) enjoy HTA as well. I have seen them both benefit from HTA sessions with my own eyes! I can tell they love it and I love the connection we have during our sessions. So what next?

I wondered why there were no classes near the DFW Metroplex in Texas. So I applied to be the HTA coordinator for my area and was thrilled when Carol hired me! I retired from my full time job at the end of that year. HTA is a total 360 from what I was doing before. I dedicated 32 years to helping people. Now I can spend my retirement years helping animals. BUT, I have discovered it is not Boxer Kruiseruncommon for students who attend the Level 1 HTA class to have a spiritual break through. Especially the newbies like me. It’s amazing to watch others start that journey.  I have made some very meaningful friendships through HTA and love that I have friends I can explore this new world with. It’s like the curtain has lifted and things are falling into place. I am excited about life and want to keep exploring and learning. HTA is LIFE CHANGING. And Kruiser? A year has passed since that level 1 class, he is currently cancer free, and we talk ALL the time.

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