The action of our healing hands is not just a physical act, but a powerful manifestation of our intent. The clearer and more focused our thoughts are when providing sessions to our patients, the more we empower them to access their own body’s innate healing ability.

The energy flowing through our hands, fueling our healing efforts, originates from our own clarity. We acknowledge that healing energy is drawn from Mother Earth and God/Universe. The energy flows through our body, filling our cellular structures with unlimited resources, then travels through our hearts, infused with unconditional love.

This process is key to successful energy therapy facilitation. The beauty of this practice is that when we are clear, focused, and fully present in our sessions, the energy first nourishes us before we extend it to others.

Intention drives the actions of our healing hands and ignites the passion of our caring and supportive hearts.

Healing blessings,

handwritten signature of Carol Komitor

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