One of the things we love here at Healing Touch for Animals® is when our practitioners share stories of how they unexpectedly perform energy healing outside of their practices. We wanted to start this blog to give us a place where we can share these inspirational stories with others. Healing Touch for Animals® promotes energy balance along with healing of our animals, providing emotional, physical, mental, and instinctual stability at the same time.

Here is a sad yet ultimately heartwarming story from Ines Hoster, MS, HTCP/I, CHT, of Atlanta, Georgia. She writes,

I had to get some supplies for my dog at PetSmart. When I entered the store I saw a woman near the entrance standing next to a basket with a mid-sized dog in it. The dog’s eyes were closed, and he had stitches all over his body and was severely swollen. I went to the woman and asked about the poor dog. She explained to me that she had rescued him. He had been used as a victim for pit bull fights; apparently the organizers would pick a rather sweet-natured dog who then can be torn apart by these pit bulls as people watch and cheer them on. I was aghast since I had never heard of such a dreadful, inhumane practice.

I asked her whether she would allow me to do some Healing Touch for Animals® on this poor dog, and she agreed. After working on the dog over the many places of injury for about 20 minutes, I could see the tremendous swelling go down to the point that he could open his eyes. He even lifted his head and slightly moved his tail as if to say “thank you.” I was moved to tears—partially in gratitude for being able to help this animal  and partially in deep sadness for the people who can allow themselves pleasure in such horrific acts.

This incident also gave me an insight into the tremendous suffering that we impose on other people and animals all over the world, and the wonderful healing tools we all carry in our hands and our hearts. It is up to us to access love.

If you have a story to share, please contact us! We would love to hear about it.


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