With the blooming of Spring comes warmer weather and more daylight. It is no coincidence that National Pet Wellness Day and Earth Day are both celebrated in April. I encourage you to celebrate by setting wellness-based intentions for yourself and your pets. If you can integrate those to strengthen your bond with one another, all the better.

Your pets love the sunshine as much as you do, and spending time outdoors benefits you both. The outdoors offers a perfect backdrop for spending time together to bond and re-energize. The refreshed energy of Spring also makes it a great time to set (or reset) your dedication to your HTA practice. Remember, when you practice Healing Touch for Animals®, the energy flows through you first. That means both you and your pet benefit.

Remember that it requires intention, no matter what self-care looks like for you and your pets this season. So set that intention and embrace all of Spring’s vitality and energy!

Blessings and gratitude,

handwritten signature of Carol Komitor

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