Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is a holistic approach to treating animals for injuries, illness, and other issues. Nothing is as powerful as witnessing the changes in an animal, and the story we are sharing here is a prime example of that.  Here is Denver resident Susan Williamson’s experience with the healing touch with “Charlie”:

My horse, Charlie, and I had been struggling with moving lameness issues for six years. About four years ago, we finally determined that he has a disease called Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM). Even though we made all of the appropriate feed and exercise changes, Charlie had never been able to improve for longer than four to six months without relapsing.

After a year-long layoff in pasture, we tried his rehab again. All was going well for about six months, at which point he had a relapse. So the vets came out again and the news was not good: Charlie was sore in every joint. They tested and ruled out all known autoimmune diseases in horses. The news got worse: If there was no improvement after 60 days, they were recommending permanent retirement or worse. He was just 11 at the time!

Because we have already done everything the vets knew to do to help Charlie, we tried what I called a “Hail Mary.” Another feed change and only hand walking for 60 days, though I couldn’t fathom how reducing his feed and exercise could help him. But I couldn’t stand the thought of permanently retiring Charlie—or worse— so I searched for other things that could help my best friend.

I found Healing Touch for Animals® and took the Level 1 course. I immediately began working with Charlie using the tools I learned. I also did an intense Energy Session with a lot of Magnetic Clearing.

Within a week I saw major changes. Charlie was able to be hand-walked for 20 minutes without having any issues, and his playful, fun loving personality came out again. When the vets came in for the 60-day re-evaluation (10 days after Charlie’s energy treatment), they were pleasantly surprised. The vets decided that Charlie was 65 percent improved!!! I was given the go ahead to slowly start working him again.

A month after that evaluation, Charlie was being exercised nearly an hour a day—including 30 minutes of trotting and 20 minutes of me actually riding him (only at a walk). I have continued with his energy work and massage, and I continue to see improvement every day. He may never fully recover, but I know that I have helped him release some of his pain. This is evident from the vets’ evaluation as well as watching him being playful again.

I feel so blessed that I found HTA. I don’t know where Charlie and I would be without it—literally!


If you have a personal story with healing touch or energy medicine, we would love to hear about it. Please contact us!

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