The knowledge that the human body is made up of layers of energy is not something new. It is a way of life for many different societies and energy healing methods have been practiced for thousands of years all over the world.  Having an understanding of how the body responds while energy medicine is being facilitated provides the basics of how healing occurs.


Physiology Response of Energy Healing chart

Founder of Healing Touch for Animals® Carol Komitor developed the Physiology Response of Energy Healing chart to help explain how energy medicine works for people as well as animals. This chart illustrates a full perspective of the body’s reactions to energy medicine. With energetic vocabulary, the chart describes the physiological response of the body while being treated with energy medicine. If one follows the chart clockwise, starting with “Relaxes Body” and finishing with “Regulates Immune System,” the body’s reactions during a healing session are depicted.

Animals in particular are quite responsive to this noninvasive healing method that releases endorphins to create a deep relaxation, enabling the body to function at a higher level .  When the muscles are relaxed, circulation efficiency increases, sending more hormones, nutrients, and oxygen through the body. This offers assistance with healing from injuries and illness to surgeries and wound healing, as well as behavioral and stress-related issues.

Healing Touch for Animals® uses energy medicine therapies to integrate, stabilize, and clear the energy body. HTA works through the release of endorphins to create a deep relaxation and state of being. This in turn allows the body to function at a higher level, increasing circulation and enabling the body to be more receptive to healing. HTA techniques work with all levels of physiology: emotional, instinctual, mental, and physical. The HTA program gives animals the opportunity to have a deeper instinctual presence and awareness of their bodies. It is worth mentioning too that energy medicine therapies are recognized by the National Institutes of Health.

These inspiring courses are offered in cities throughout the United States, in Canada, and in the Netherlands.


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