by Healing Touch for Animals | Jul 14, 2022 | animals, energy healing, Essential Oils, Essential Oils Animals
How do I help my horses that are Buddy Sour? I love these kinds of questions because it gives me an opportunity to explore and think about the energy behind the problem. Buddy Sour is a term for separation anxiety with horses. The horses become such dependent buddies...
by Healing Touch for Animals | Apr 14, 2021 | animals, energy healing, trauma release, Uncategorized
I got the best update tonight on a lost rescue dog I worked on (distance) HTA for a month. He was running around Fort Collins for 43 days in October and November before coming to safety. I ended up doing 22 sessions on the dog named GABE. ...
by Healing Touch for Animals | Feb 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
Read the article on published in Energy Magazine January/February 2015
by Healing Touch for Animals | Jul 25, 2014 | energy healing, energy medicine, healing touch, trauma release
As animal lovers, most of us firmly believe that puppy mills operate for the sole purpose of making a profit, with little or no concern toward the animals that are bred. Even though these shady operations have come under scrutiny for their mistreatment of animals, too...
by Healing Touch for Animals | Jul 21, 2014 | energy healing, energy medicine, healing touch
Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is a holistic approach to treating animals for injuries, illness, and other issues. Nothing is as powerful as witnessing the changes in an animal, and the story we are sharing here is a prime example of that. Here is Denver resident...